ABC Malaysia, viral video: John Gomez.
Yesterday, I shot a "viral video" for ABC Malaysia, the publication circulation assessor. It was a very enjoyable experience. I played the ghost of a publisher, John Gomez. The production house, Reservoir Productions, commissioned a beautiful suit for me, for the shoot. It was just the right touch for the character.
It was a green screen shoot. This means that there was a green backdrop behind me, onto which will be inserted images, in post production, to place my performance in a context. I am very curious as to what the Director Ismail Jamaluddin will put there. It is going to be an interesting surprise!
For me, the most rewarding part of the shoot, apart from the chance to work with the character, until the performance was just what Ismail wanted, was the Director's response to my work. For the second time in a week, a Director has been extremely positive about my work and has spoken of working with me again in future. I am heartened by this. It allows me to understand that I am right to devote the time and energy to acting that I have, in my life, for it very much seems, now, that I have a promising future in this arena. All I have to do, at this time, is keep on working and experimenting. The path ahead looks to be an enjoyable one.
Thank you to Casting Director Richard Goh for putting my name forward for this role. Thanks also to advertising agency Creative Juice, for approving of Ismail Jamaluddin's choice of me for the role.
The ABC Malaysia viral video is expected to be released in August this year. My performance, as John Gomez, should be visible on the ABC Malaysia website. I will let you know when it is out and shall link to it, if I can.
Posted by Valentine Cawley
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Labels: acting, advertising industry, film production, internet, performance, tv advertisements, Valentine Cawley