
The boy who knew too much: a child prodigy

This is the true story of scientific child prodigy, and former baby genius, Ainan Celeste Cawley, written by his father. It is the true story, too, of his gifted brothers and of all the Cawley family. I write also of child prodigy and genius in general: what it is, and how it is so often neglected in the modern world. As a society, we so often fail those we should most hope to see succeed: our gifted children and the gifted adults they become. Site Copyright: Valentine Cawley, 2006 +

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Vikingdom opens in the United States, October 4th 2013

Vikingdom is a film by Yusry Abdul Halim, of KRU studios, in which I play a supporting role. It is not my place to review it, since I played the role of Warick the Wise and my words would not seem to be free of influence, therefore. However, I would like to point your way to two American reviews, that have appeared in the last two days.

The first is from Slant Magazine:

The second is a syndicated review, which first appeared in the Village Voice, yesterday, but has now appeared in OC Weekly, and City Pages. No doubt it will spread further in the next few days.

Both reviews are favourable, in general and give some insight into how the film fits into the context of prior works. What I found most interesting about these reviews is that Vikingdom is being received much more intelligently and open-mindedly in the United States, than in its homeland of Malaysia. It very much seems as if the Malaysian cinema going public is a bit narrow in its views of what it will accept whole-heartedly, from a Malaysian director. They seem to have certain conventional expectations which Vikingdom transgresses.

For those of you living in America, Vikingdom has a limited release on October 4th 2013. In many theatres it is just for one night, it if you want to catch it in the cinema, October 4th is the night to do it. For those of you in or near New York, Vikingdom is showing at the AMC theatre, 34th Street, for one full week’s run. For others who are not near any of the cinemas in the listing to follow (which covers 21 cities across the USA), Vikingdom may be downloaded from iTunes, from October 4th 2013, for enjoyment at home.

To set the film in context for you: Malaysia has never made a film like Vikingdom, before. It is the first attempt at an internationalized, epic action adventure. It is also a big step forward on what has been achieved, at any time, by a Malaysian production company in the past. This production was a co-production with Epic Pictures of Hollywood. Notably, this is also the first time a Malaysian film has ever been shown in US cinemas, at all. So, it is a major achievement, in that sense.

If you get to see it, you may not recognize me easily. I play Warick the Wise, but I am heavily disguised. I have a bushy brown and grey beard, long grey hair, period costume, a bow and arrow, and look utterly unlike my modern self. Even my own wife didn’t recognize me, after I had changed into my Viking get-up one day, on set. So, if you want to be sure who I am playing...just follow the name of my character: Warick the Wise.

I do hope you get to see the film. Thanks.

For those of you living outside of the USA, distribution has been arranged in around 85 countries. Most of those appear to open on or around the 16th December, 2013. The openings so far confirmed are: Thailand, October 10th; Japan, December 15th; and Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, South Africa and Sweden December 16th. I will notify you of further release dates, once I become aware of them. Thank you.

As for the Malaysian release on September 12th...Vikingdom was no.2 at the box office, in its first weekend of release, which is a pretty good showing. It finished up its run in the top 20% or so of box office, for local films, which is respectable.

Written by Valentine Cawley

(If you would like to support my continued writing of this blog and my ongoing campaign to raise awareness about giftedness and all issues pertaining to it, please donate, by clicking on the gold button to the left of the page.

To read about my fundraising campaign, please go to: and here:

If you would like to read any of our scientific research papers, there are links to some of them, here:

If you would like to see an online summary of my academic achievements to date, please go here: learn more of Ainan Celeste Cawley, 10, or his gifted brothers, Fintan, 7 and Tiarnan, 5, please go to:

I also write of gifted education, child prodigy, child genius, adult genius, savant, megasavant, HELP University College, the Irish, the Malays, Singapore, Malaysia, IQ, intelligence and creativity.

There is a review of my blog, on the respected The Kindle Report here:

Please have a read, if you would like a critic's view of this blog. Thanks.

You can get my blog on your Kindle, for easy reading, wherever you are, by going to:

Please let all your fellow Kindlers know about my blog availability - and if you know my blog well enough, please be so kind as to write a thoughtful review of what you like about it. Thanks.

My Internet Movie Database listing is at:

Ainan's IMDB listing is at

Syahidah's IMDB listing is at

Our editing, proofreading and copywriting company, Genghis Can, is at blog is copyright Valentine Cawley. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited. Use only with permission. Thank you.) 

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posted by Valentine Cawley @ 1:41 PM  0 comments

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

The font nerd.

Ainan has always looked at the world in his own way. One of these ways, is a little uncanny.

When Ainan is out and about, he has the habit of pointing at the written script around him – for instance, the sign on a health centre: “That is Trajan”, he says, naming the font used. Or in a restaurant, he will pick up a menu and observe: “That is Palatino Linotype”. 

Everywhere he looks, he sees not just words, but fonts. In a day, he will name many different fonts, as he notes them in the world around him.

He did this, recently, in the company of a noted artist, who was a guest lecturer at an event we attended. He was very surprised when Ainan noted that the font used on a book he had published, was Gill Sans.

“How do you know that?”, asked the dumbfounded artist.

“Oh, he is a prodigy.” My wife answered, intervening, with a shrug, as if that was explanation enough. Ainan himself was silent on the matter – as usual, never commenting on himself, in company.

What I find most interesting about this is what it says about Ainan’s visual perception and visual memory. He is able to identify a huge number of fonts – indeed, any font he has ever seen, and learnt the name of – at a single glance. This suggests that he retains an accurate image of each letter used in the fonts and is able to discriminate the often subtle differences between fonts, with a very rapid glance. He has had no training in typography, or lessons of any kind – but has simply picked up these discriminations on his own.

This phenomenon is just one of many with Ainan, that show him to be a close observer of the world around him. Of course, this ability to observe, remember and distinguish is much more useful in other contexts, than simply labelling the written world in fonts. There are clearly many practical advantages to such observational skill, which lend themselves well to many areas of work, and creation. I have a few ideas of how Ainan might apply this observational skill...but I will leave those for another day.

Written by Valentine Cawley

(If you would like to support my continued writing of this blog and my ongoing campaign to raise awareness about giftedness and all issues pertaining to it, please donate, by clicking on the gold button to the left of the page.

To read about my fundraising campaign, please go to: and here:

If you would like to read any of our scientific research papers, there are links to some of them, here:

If you would like to see an online summary of my academic achievements to date, please go here: learn more of Ainan Celeste Cawley, 10, or his gifted brothers, Fintan, 7 and Tiarnan, 5, please go to:

I also write of gifted education, child prodigy, child genius, adult genius, savant, megasavant, HELP University College, the Irish, the Malays, Singapore, Malaysia, IQ, intelligence and creativity.

There is a review of my blog, on the respected The Kindle Report here:

Please have a read, if you would like a critic's view of this blog. Thanks.

You can get my blog on your Kindle, for easy reading, wherever you are, by going to:

Please let all your fellow Kindlers know about my blog availability - and if you know my blog well enough, please be so kind as to write a thoughtful review of what you like about it. Thanks.

My Internet Movie Database listing is at:

Ainan's IMDB listing is at

Syahidah's IMDB listing is at

Our editing, proofreading and copywriting company, Genghis Can, is at blog is copyright Valentine Cawley. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited. Use only with permission. Thank you.) 

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posted by Valentine Cawley @ 1:35 PM  0 comments

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