
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tiarnan gets to know his mummy.

Creative activity is usually pursued in solitude. As such our children don’t really get to see us when we are working, most of the time. Thus, it was a revelation for Tiarnan to see his mummy at work, recently.

Tiarnan came into the room, as Syahidah drew.

Curiously, he sidled up to her and gazed on the work, with great, absorbed interest.

He asked to do it, too. Syahidah offered him a pen and he started drawing.

After a while, he looked up, with a definite insight in his eyes.

“Mummy, you are kind of like an artist.”

She was so happy to hear that from him – for he said the word “artist” with such emphasis and relish. Clearly, for him, an artist is a very big thing indeed.

Syahidah carried on her work, with a lingering smile.

Tiarnan did so too.

I watched them, from across the room: two little artists, busily at work: the Master (or Mistress) and the Apprentice. It was warming to see, for I like nothing better than to see people being creative.

What is interesting to me, is just where he got this concept of “artist” from. He is only five years old. My mind is cast back to the episode of Doctor Who concerning Vincent Van Gogh. It could be that he learnt what artists are, from a time traveller. You never know what children learn from TV.

In time, the other two sons came in to watch too. In the end, all of them ended up drawing. It seems that mummy has inspired quite a little burst of creativity, in the household. It is heartening to see.

Happy drawing boys!

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