
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Exotic diets for children.

A few days ago, I overheard my younger two sons, engaging in a curious conversation.

Fintan and Tiarnan stood in the kitchen holding bowls of soup.

Tiarnan,five, took a sip. He appraised the flavour intently.

"My soup has rabbit, in it.", he declared, with a definite certainty.

As if challenged, Fintan, seven took a sip of his own soup.

"My soup," he began, raising his voice, "has lion - white lion - in it."

"Well my rabbit is really nice.", Tiarnan countered, taking further eager sips.

"But mine is LION!", said Fintan, emphatically.

I had to smile. After all, what they were actually eating was nothing more exotic than mushroom soup. Perhaps they didn't know what the mushrooms were and so were using their imaginations to fill the gap!

Anyway, it was clear that both enjoyed their "exotic" soups, since they finished them all up.

Sometimes, I think a child's world is eminently more interesting than any adult's: just look at what they eat, for a start. Perhaps I should join them, and try reimagining my own food.

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