
Tuesday, November 08, 2011

A most polite boy.

Today, as we sat in a restaurant, eating dinner, Tiarnan, five, picked up a chip that had not been covered in chilli powder and rubbed it against one which had. Chilli powder duly transferred from the second chip, to the first.

“Thank you.”, said, Tiarnan, gratefully, his eyes peering down at the plate.

“Who are you saying thank you, to?” I asked, curious, since his gaze had been on no human. “Was it the chip?”

He nodded. “Yes.”

“Why? Was it because the chip gave you something?”

He nodded again.

What a polite boy. Even the chips get a thank you, from him.

Next he picked up another chip.

“This is the chip I said thank you, to.”, he noted, his eyes looking up at me with an odd seriousness, with a hint of humour in it.

“Now you are going to eat it?”

He looked at the chip, with assessing eyes, and carefully replaced it on the plate.

When he had finished eating, the chip which had “done him a favour”, was left uneaten, on the plate. He just didn’t have the heart to eat the chip that had “helped him out”!

How sweet.

Posted by Valentine Cawley

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  1. your son was just like me. I appreciate thing when they do me favour. For example, I never change my wallet or my handphone or even my car because they have do lots of good thing to me.

    For me, these things has 'life'.

  2. That is a sweet way to look at the world, Amiene. The world would be very different if everyone thought that way (there would be less turnover of goods, for a start).

    Best wishes.
