
Thursday, October 06, 2011

Syahidah on Steve Jobs' death.

Today, I informed Syahidah, my wife, of Steve Jobs' death.

She remarked: "An apple has lost its core."

I thought this rather witty, and apt - for the image and meaning summed up the situation very well.

Mr. Jobs was only 56. This is rather young to be dying in the modern age - however, his life, though shortened, could not have been more influential, nor have touched more lives than it had. RIP Mr. Apple.

Posted by Valentine Cawley

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  1. He was one of the greatest inventors of our era. He influenced the world so much because he changed how billions of people live now. He was the Edison, Frankln, da Vinci, and Ford of today. He will be missed.

  2. Dear Sir....I am Famila Harun, one of the students from Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) , Perak Malaysia. I’m studied in special education specifically in Gifted and Talented students Programme, want request a permission from both of you that we want to visit and have an interview with your daughter's the genius Ainan Celeste Cowley..we also want to do some study about the her development based on her social , emotion and cognitive aspects and also the problem might be faced by Ainan. In the end, we hope that you, Madam and Sir will give cooperates to us and consider about our request. If you allowed us, please state the suitable date to us to go interview her..Once again, we really hope that you will consider about this..Thank you.

  3. Famila, please leave your email address so we can correspond about this. This post column is not the place for this.

    Thank you.

  4. Furthermore, Famila, if you had done a little more research, you would have noted that Ainan is not a girl. He is a boy. The name is also not Cowley, but Cawley. Please do a bit more research before posing your questions. Thank you.
