
Monday, October 03, 2011

An Analysis of the Ethics of Peer review

My article, "An Analysis of the Ethics of Peer Review and Other Traditional Academic Publishing Practices.", has been published in the peer reviewed International Journal of Social Science and Humanity. The article considers the ethical aspects of academic publishing including such issues as peer review, copyright transfer, pricing policy and the permanence of journals. In my analysis, I found there to be many ethical failings in these areas, in the traditional practices. I also suggest solutions to these problems.

Please have a read, if you are interested to see a glimpse of how I structure my ethical thinking.

The article can be found here:

Just click on the PDF sign, on the page and the entire article will be served up to you.


Posted by Valentine Cawley

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  1. Anonymous9:05 PM

    I enjoyed your paper, Valentine, and feel that you raised some extremely important issues. Perhaps, having had no firsthand experience of the way publishing in academia operates, I hadn't appreciated the extent to which there is scope for unscrupulous behaviour. I had long suspected, however, that there could be inherent difficulties in getting published and reviewed fairly.

    One thought I kept having about this afterwards was, "So who gets to decide who are your peers?"

    Who would be my peers, for example? One online group I belong to (a social networking site for gifted adults) has just chosen me to be the owner of the psychology and neuroscience forum on the site. I find that I am the only person in that special interest group not to have at least a BA in psychology, medicine or some other science, yet the members obviously credit me with sufficient authority based on what I do know to trust me to run the discussion group fairly and have something important to say. Academia, on the other hand, would more than likely tell me, "No degree, no can do." So again, who are my peers? Tricky, isn't it?

    And my only publishing platforms at the moment are the Internet and various society magazines.

  2. Thank you 7 Sigma, firstly for reading my paper - and secondly for having such kind words about it.

    Yes. Academia suffers from many undeclared problems...peer review being but one of them. You raise another: the obsession with credentials. You are right. In Academia they would basically say "no degree, no can do" or "no degree of X level, no can do". It is all very silly since they fail to see people as they are and to truly appreciate what they can offer. I think the whole degree idea is unhelpful.

    I am glad that the forum appreciates your input. If they judge you capable - from what you write online - then I am sure you can handle it. Take it on - and enjoy your new role. Good luck with it.

    I have a problem with "peers" too. I often write papers about new phenomenon. No-one else has knowledge or understanding of what I write...and yet "peers" stand in judgement without any direct experience of that which I speak. Often I find their views ignorant and incomprehending. They reveal themselves not to be my peers at all. Yet they have power over me. It is wrong, really.

    I am sure if you continue to think, to write, and to work on your ideas, your reach, your publishing environment and your options to get your work out, will all expand.

    Best of luck.
