
Friday, September 09, 2011

The mysterious traveller.

A couple of days ago, Tiarnan came running into the room in which his mother stood.

“I need more biscuits!”, he announced, with a hungry voice.

“Is that because you have been running?”, she enquired, logically.

“No. It is because I have been time travelling!”, he answered, quite matter of factly.

She looked at her five year old son with a new appreciation and duly went and got him some biscuits.

He ate them, ruminatively, perhaps contemplating his “time travelling” adventures. When all were gone, he whizzed off again, no doubt in pursuit of other worlds, other times.

Syahidah, my wife, thought this most funny – and typical of Tiarnan, the great little adventurer in the imagination. She told me this story with a little smile on her face, throughout. However, what she did not know, and I had already come to learn, is that our three sons have actually built a “time machine”, to play in. That, however, is a story for another day.

Posted by Valentine Cawley

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