
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Do girls like prodigies?

Today, a searcher arrived on my blog, from Ontario, California, with the search term: “Do girls like prodigy?”

At first, I read this as a means to ask whether child prodigies were attractive to girls. Then I realized it could be referring to the band, Prodigy. However, the question itself reminded me of something I have noticed on the Internet: the idolization of Ainan.

I have, at times, stumbled on blogs, on the net, particularly ones that call attention to themselves by linking to my blog which have something most distinctive about them. It might seem strange to tell of it, but some of them, are a shrine to Ainan. Indeed, I have seen some which explicitly call Ainan, “my idol” – and liberally use his name on the site, referring to him repeatedly. It should be noted that these fans of Ainan are engaging in age appropriate behaviour, since they are usually quite near his age: around 10 to 12 years old, so I have no worries on that account. Yet, it did surprise me, to find such sites. They wrote of Ainan much as young girls write of pop stars or film stars: with great adulation, admiration and a definite sense of longing.

I have seen other references to Ainan that are not so appropriate however. I have seen adult females express the thought: “I can’t wait to see him in 10 years time.”, or “He will be such a looker when he grows up.” Though he is but a child, they are already assessing him as a potential “hunk”.

However, all of this does suggest that the answer to the searcher’s question, as I first read it, is a big “YES!”, girls do like prodigies - or at least one prodigy, in particular.

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I also write of gifted education, child prodigy, child genius, adult genius, savant, megasavant, HELP University College, the Irish, the Malays, Singapore, Malaysia, IQ, intelligence and creativity.

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  1. Anonymous4:53 AM

    I have seen adult females express the thought: “I can’t wait to see him in 10 years time.”

    I find that thought quite strange. True, he is a beautiful child - as are his brothers - but I never think about how he will look in 2020. Have they forgotten that he is a child?

    I am looking forward to seeing how his talents will develop but I can wait becausse it takes time to develop one or more talent(s).

  2. Hi Laktosefrei,

    Yes, he is a beautiful child - but the problem is that people too easily forget that he is but a child. I remember one incident, in which a woman of about 20 wondered what had happened to his tooth: she had forgotten that he had milk teeth which fall out! He was 8 years old.

    Yes, he has much development to undergo yet. It is exciting to be able to watch it firsthand.

    Best wishes
