
Thursday, March 03, 2011

ICSSH 2011, International Conference on Social Science and Humanity, Singapore.

I have been a little quiet, on my blog, these past few days, but I have been far from quiet, in the real world. I have just presented a new paper, at the ICSSH 2011 conference, in Singapore.

The International Conference on Social Science and Humanity, 2011, was an interdisciplinary conference with a very wide range of papers presented – everything from computer science, through athletes in advertising, through psychology, through the history of tea production, to ethics. It was a conference in which you might encounter virtually anything. My own paper, “Is Peer Review Unethical?”, was well received. I presented it on the afternoon of Monday 28th February 2011.

The paper, which enumerates the problems of peer review, will be published, somewhat ironically, in the peer reviewed IEEE Xplore, which is ISI listed. It may also be published elsewhere, though I have yet to be informed about this. I shall save full details of the paper, until its actual publication. Here, however, I will note that my paper constituted an ethical analysis of peer review. In it, I identified a significant number of systematic ethical failings in peer review, and propose solutions to them all. Additionally, I propose principles and guidelines by which a peer reviewed journal could be constructed to prevent all ethical problems.

Now, why, you may be wondering, is my paper, “Is Peer Review Unethical?”, important? Well, one very big reason is that peer review is deeply flawed and that these flaws affect the livelihoods and careers of every single academic on Earth. They also affect, detrimentally, the very progress and health of science itself. Thus, my paper, which proposes how to solve all of these problems, could not, in fact, be more important, for its potential beneficial effects on academia, and Mankind as a whole.

The organizers of the ICSSH 2011 conference, IEDRC (International Economics Development and Research Center), told me that it would take three to nine months for the paper to be published in IEEE Xplore – so, please be patient. When it is published, I will link to it, for you to have a good read.

Thanks to HELP University College, for sponsoring my attendance at the ICSSH 2011 conference in Singapore.

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  1. Hi Valentine! Glad to see you blogging again.

    Yes, it it true that you've been somewhat quiet and I was wondering if you've been busy or something happened. And here you come with one more reason to make us proud! :)

    Congratulations! Very well done!
    I'm sure that your work will be a great contribution to the society. The topic you chose is a real problem, but still not many people try to solve it.

    Unfortunately we are not able to read it yet, but I really am anticipating it! Thanks for letting us know!

  2. Hi Virginia,

    This is my second attempt to reply to you. My first got lost on posting...I don't know where it went. That happens with Blogger sometimes.

    Thanks for your congratulations. They are much appreciated.

    Yes. Peer review has many difficult problems associated with it, but few seem to address them cogently. My paper solves all the problems - and will have important beneficial effects if it is implemented, widely.

    I will let you know when it is published.

