
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Malice on the internet.

The internet is a malicious place, in many ways, for malicious people thrive in its apparent anonymity. However, they are not as anonymous as they think they are. Perhaps if they were aware of this they would act less often on their malice.

A couple of months ago, one of my email accounts was flooded overnight, with junk emails. Suddenly, an account which basically got no junk email, was utterly inundated with it, making the account effectively useless. Who had done this very immature thing? Who, out in the whole wide world, disliked me enough to trouble themselves to sign me up for a huge load of stupid websites? For a long time, I was befuddled as to who could have done this. Then, however, I had an idea. I am not going to tell you the idea, but the upshot of it is, I got a hold of the IP address of just who had registered me for this skip load of rubbish.

The IP address, of my “anonymous” persecutor, turned out to be:

A search on this IP reveals that the perpetrator is registered to an organization called Charter Communications, operating out of Fallon, Missouri.

Now, that struck me as very odd. You see, I recognized that address as being from a regular reader of my blog. It seems that this reader is not a fan, but a kind of fiend. They are those who lurk, on my blog, not to enjoy reading it, but to enjoy hating it. I am familiar with the kind, they are what you might call, “anti-fans”.

Presently, I am considering writing a letter to the organization in question, pointing out the behaviour of one of their employees. It is conceivable that this might lead to disciplinary action against them. Any responsible employer would not approve of their conduct, after all. It is possible, therefore, that my “anonymous” attacker, might come to receive some kind of punishment. Now, wouldn’t that be poetic?

So, if you are considering doing some harm to someone on the internet, consider this: your “anonymity” is an illusion and everything you do is trackable on the net. Should you harm another, it is quite likely you will be discovered and face retribution of some kind. So, please, don’t do on the net, anything you wouldn’t be prepared to do, to someone’s face, in the real world. Not only would you be harming your victim, but ultimately, you are going to be harming yourself. It is possible, for instance, that my persecutor, might be out of a job soon. If so, they have no-one to blame but themselves.

Now, excuse me, I have a letter to write…

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  1. You can't assume that it is the same person - according to their 2009 annual report, Charter has 3.1 million (long-suffering) high-speed internet subscribers. (And the apparent address of such attacks is often just a front for someone who has remotely taken over an unsecured computer.)

  2. Hi Enon,

    The apparent address for the attacker, was Charter Communications itself according to Whois. I take your point, however, about the hijacking of computers.

    Presently, Charter are investigating it.

    Thanks for the tip.

    Kind regards

