A new champion blog reader?
I have noticed that some new visitors to my blog do spend quite some time reading. Some read many, many posts in one go. I find this encouraging for it indicates that I must be writing something of worth to people - otherwise no-one would take such trouble.
Today is a case in point. A reader from Seinjoki in Western Finland spent 2 hours, 37 minutes and 5 seconds reading 96 pages of my blog. I would have to check back, to see past records, but I think it likely that our Finnish visitor is a new Gold Medallist in the blog reading stakes.
Labels: blog champion, blog reader, champion, Finland, longest reader, reacations to the blog
Hi, Valentine - your posts are always interesting so it's not surprising some people have readathons here. Just called by to say, hi - I like to read you when I can.
Thanks Julie for your kind words. I too have a look at your blog when the opportunity arises. I have just read your thoughts on Kumari's or living Goddesses. Shocking that they would "disbar" her, in the first place, for simply travelling.
I trust you are well.
Best wishes.
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