
Saturday, February 24, 2007

Tiarnan and Sleeping Beauty

Tiarnan's grandmother on his mother's side is very young looking. Indeed, and quite comically, when she is out with her husband, many a person thinks that she is her husband's daughter. It would be indelicate of me to mention her actual age, but let it be said that she has four children and three grandchildren - a number which promises to grow - and two of her children are married off.

It is curious to watch the years pass and nothing much change about her. The same applies to my wife who hasn't aged, at all, since I met her, over ten years ago. She still looks like a teenager, though she hasn't been one for a decade (a fact which causes much consternation and embarrassment at times: but what can one do, if one's wife simply DOESN'T age?) Her mother shows the same characteristic, bringing equal misunderstanding upon her husband - who is in his late sixties!

Anyway, yesterday, this latter-day Sleeping Beauty, was in recline upon a sofa in her house, fast asleep, tired out from the exertions of her job, that day. Tiarnan was nearby watching her. He did so, in the midst of his play, in the arms of his mother for some good while. Finally, his grandmother stirred from her sleep and awoke. Tiarnan saw this and at once did something most comical: he applauded her, his hands clapping together in glee, his face all smiles. What a way to welcome his grandmother into the waking world. I wonder what he is thinking, that he should applaud his grandmother for waking up? Funny boy.

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