
Sunday, February 25, 2007

Blogger - unable to post

I would like to apologize to my regular readers for the longer than usual gap between postings: I have been unable to post to Blogger from my home computer. I don't know if this problem will persist, there, but I am able to post from someone else's (so perhaps it will be alright when I return home).

I am a regular blogger. I write every day. If there is ever a delay in posting it is because I CANNOT post, not because I don't want to. Therefore, your patience, in returning to check later, will eventually be rewarded by a resumption of posting.

Thanks for your patience.


  1. Anonymous3:29 AM

    I'm glad to see you're back!

  2. Thanks for your kind thought.

    I am glad you are back, too!

    Kind regards

  3. By the way, I still can't post from home - and I have no idea why. However, I have discovered that I can do so from other computers - so it is some incompatibility of my own system, and not a general problem. Therefore I shall post from work (in my breaks, of course, Mr. Employer!). If I could post from home, I would post now...oh well.

    Isn't it odd that I can comment on my home computer, but not post? Welcome to the peculiar world of computers...
