
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Athleticism in a baby opens the door to the world

Tiarnan Hasyl Cawley is an athletic baby. Athletic in the sense that he was mobile from a very early age: raising his head and looking around on the day of his birth, crawling at four months and one week, climbing down stairs at five months and two weeks and up stairs at eight months exactly. Here we see Tiarnan opening the door...controlling its movement while not losing his own balance as he manouevres it open. These photographs were taken about a week ago. Tiarnan is now eight months old.

Ainan Celeste Cawley showed even greater precociousness of movement - but, at that time, we were naive parents who did not know enough about children to make a detailed record of his unusually fast progress. We have some photos however and will upload some in due course.

For more on Tiarnan's athleticism, go to:


For Tiarnan's speech development:

For the Cawley family in general, and Tiarnan's brothers, Ainan Celeste Cawley, six, a scientific child prodigy and Fintan Nadym Cawley, a natural leader and brave boy, go to:

Photographs by Syahidah Osman Cawley

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