
Sunday, December 05, 2010

The question of Quebec, Montreal.

I do wonder whether a visitor from Quebec, Montreal, is awaiting a response, to a post that I never received. I wonder, because this visitor from Quebec, Montreal, has visited the same page on my blog, for several days in a row, several times a day. I can only assume, therefore, that they are awaiting some kind of response, perhaps to a post that they attempted to make. Well, I am sorry to say that no such post has been received. Thus, if you are the visitor, from Quebec, Montreal, and you have something you wish to say...please post again, so that I might read it and respond to it.

I would like to apologize for your wait, should you, in fact, have posted - but, like I said, I have received no such post.

The blog post that has been read, repeatedly, these past several days is the one entitled: "Don't underestimate a gifted child".

I may be wrong, of course, and the Quebec, Montreal visitor may just, in fact, be fascinated by the post, in question, such that they wish to reread it, several times a day, for several days. If so, perhaps that visitor would like to let me know why it is so interesting? Thanks.

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