
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences - ICELD 2010

I don't spell "behavioural", as "behavioral", however, Elsevier do and they have just published the latest issue of Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. This issue concerns the ICELD 2010, International Conference on Learner Diversity, at which I presented a paper. My paper is published in this journal.

The link above takes you to the journal page on Science Direct at Elsevier. My paper is number 78 on their listing, entitled: "The synaesthete, a new type of "gifted" student and how to teach them." In Malaysia, at least, it is downloadable in its entirety, for free. I hope it is where you are, too. So, please have a read. The paper was well received, in person, when I gave it at the conference.

I have a number of forthcoming papers nearing publication in the next three months or so. I will keep you informed about them, in case anyone should be interested in reading them.

Thank you.

(If you would like to learn more of Ainan Celeste Cawley, 10, or his gifted brothers, Fintan, 7 and Tiarnan, 4, this month, please go to:

I also write of gifted education, child prodigy, child genius, adult genius, savant, megasavant, HELP University College, the Irish, the Malays, Singapore, Malaysia, IQ, intelligence and creativity.

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  1. I'm downloading it and looking forward to read it. Though I fear it may be too difficult for me to understand, specially because of the language. But I'll try my best.
    I remember when you told us about reading the paper and the reaction of a very rude woman. I wonder what she's thinking now that people from all over the world are reading it?
    It also reminded me of the time you wrote about your wife and how she could hear your phone ringing before you did. And that got me thinking about Ainan's synaesthesia, that maybe he got it from his mother and perhaps your other sons could have some form of it too.
    Well, this comment is getting too long so I'll just say congratulations and take care.

  2. Thanks Casandra for taking an interest in my paper. This is the second time I am writing this, since the first time it got lost in posting. Here's hoping it will work this time.

    I have kept the language as non-technical in the paper as I can, since I want people to be able to understand it. So, I think there is a good chance that you will be able to read it. I hope so, anyway.

    Yes, it is possible my other children have some form of synaesthesia. The most likely other candidate is the youngest one. Though it is too early yet to investigate too closely, I think there are hints of something possibly happening in him. We shall see.

    I hope you like the paper or at least gain something from it.

    Best wishes.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Casandra,

    I am glad you enjoyed my paper and found it of interest.

    It seems to me, that you are an associative synaesthete. This means you associate percepts with other percepts (or concepts), but that you do not actually PERCEIVE them projected into the world. This, by the way, is a sensory matter, not a matter for a psychiatrist, at all. (Though some people might misunderstand that).

    The paper is identifying something which has been overlooked, so I think it has a certain value and importance, thereby. The only question is: will educators notice it and take action? I think the idea will take time to spread. Maybe it needs some publicity.

    Thanks for taking the time and effort to read it.
