
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Simon Hughes at Cambridge University.

Simon Hughes has been appointed Deputy to Nick Clegg at the Liberal Democrat party, at party level. I find this interesting because it awoke my sole personal memory of Simon Hughes, from long ago, at Cambridge University.

I had attended a talk at which the then leader of the Liberal Democrats, Paddy Ashdown was speaking. Along with him, was Simon Hughes.

Now, a friend of mine had been unable to attend the talk, but, hearing that I was going, he asked me to ask a question for him.

"Mr. Ashdown," I began, after the talk, "I have a question by proxy for you."
At that point, Simon Hughes burst out with a mocking laugh, perhaps even a scornful one. "A question by PROXY," he echoed.

The laugh was clearly intended to be at my expense.

Paddy Ashdown immediately cast a dark, cutting glance that clearly told him to shut up.

Paddy Ashdown, now Lord Ashdown of Norton-sub-Hamdon, duly answered my friend's question.

From that moment forth, however, I never really had a high opinion of Simon Hughes, of his personality (rude), his intelligence (not evident), his wisdom (lacking), his self-awareness (incomplete). Any politician who can actually laugh AT a potential voter, who is asking a serious question, can only be described as a bit of a self-destructive idiot. Now, he is Deputy to Nick Clegg. I only hope that, since then, he has grown up and acquired some respect for others. If not, then he is a very poor and unwise choice for Deputy, in my view. Perhaps Nick Clegg does not know this man's limitations as much as he should. It will be interesting to see if he turns out to have been a good choice, or not.

(If you would like to learn more of Ainan Celeste Cawley, 10, or his gifted brothers, Fintan, 6 and Tiarnan, 4, this month, please go to:

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