
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The David Cameron Conservative-Liberal Coalition.

So, Clegg's big decision has been made. He has decided to form a coalition with the Conservatives, to rule Britain. Now, I like to refer to this as a Conservative-Liberal coalition, though most commentators, oddly, say Lib-Con. I think their version is peculiar, because they are putting the smaller party first.

Anyway, with reference to my last post, I can only say that the DEMOCRATIC choice has been made. Had a Lib-Lab pact formed instead, it would have meant the end of democracy in the UK. So, this alliance, unusual though it is as an alliance of right and left, in politics is, at least, the only democratic choice, available. It is what more people in the UK would have wanted.

I am relieved, therefore, from purely the point of view of one who likes to see the democratic choice of the people enacted, that this is the result. I do not, however, know whether this can work out. I hope it does, for the sake of the UK, for it faces many dire, primarily economic, problems.

As for Nick Clegg, well, my former contemporary at Robinson College, Cambridge is now the Deputy Prime Minister of the UK. That seems a rather surreal and unexpected result. The only sign of this present when he was in his late teens and early twenties, was a great personal self-confidence, a sense of superiority over others, which was readily evident, an easy charm, which he often deployed and a certain degree of personal energy. I would also note that he was not an entirely even tempered young man and did, on occasions, reveal a bit of a temper. However, I cannot know what was on his mind, on these occasions.

I hope it all goes well for Britain, this time. It has declined much, as a nation, in many ways, since I left. I hope this new coalition will lead to some kind of revival in its national fortunes.

I shall watch the situation with interest. Well done to all concerned, for making the democratic choice possible and not succumbing to the alternative, which would have been very unfair to the electorate.

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