
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Thought for the day.

Almost no-one thinks anymore.

I wish they would.


  1. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Do you have any posts regarding Asperger's/Autism, Amibdextrousness or left-handedness?

    If so, could you give me the link?

    (You may remember me, I was the thirteen year old who left you a few comments last year.)

  2. Anonymous4:06 AM

    People no longer seek intellectual challenge but seek to be entertained. The world is dumbed down by reality television and meaningless music videos, and even those that consider themselves intellectuals are pseudo thinkers (at best). Most of us are constantly bombarded by celebrities and fashion, a tv culture diminished of any substance and thought. I suspect this lack of meaningful surrounding has taken its toll on some of our brightest minds (for they too are addicted to television.) How does a country deal with intellectual mediocrity? The US now outsources almost any work that requires a brain, a very strange and disturbing solution in my humble and (probably stupid) opinion.

  3. Your analysis, Anon, is interesting - and most accurate. It is the vapidity of modern culture that saps many of the will to think.

    I, for one, rarely watch television: it just grew too boring for me as time passed. I agree, however, that most are ensnared by it.

    Any country that is outsourcing its thinking has a short future, I feel. The future lies with those who are doing the thinking - wherever they are.

    I am not sure that the future is going to be as great as everyone expects: there are too few people really working to make it happen.

    Best wishes.

  4. I have written some posts referring to left-handedness (I don't have the links to hand, but searching google with left-handeded and my blog (scientific child prodigy...boy who knew too much) should bring up something.

    I have not written anything about autism, though, as yet. I think I shall.

    Best wishes to you
