
Monday, April 21, 2008

Signs of a child artist.

All parents wonder what their children are going to grow up to be. We can only watch and wonder. However, if we watch closely enough, we can often discern signs of the growing personality and type of gift of each of our children.

Tiarnan shows himself to be responsive to many things in his environment in an acute way. About ten days ago, he decided to play with the cards in his mother's wallet. He took them all out one by one - and then he did something very interesting, from the perspective of what it says about him. He arranged the cards into a humanoid shape, with two arms, two legs, a body and a head and declared his creation: "Robot".

It did, indeed, look like a robot - being an all plastic humanoid.

What I found interesting about this is that he didn't see what most people see in a set of plastic cards: nothing much. He saw the potential to make a visual statement with them.

Perhaps, he will one day be an artist, like his mother. It would be good to think so, for I think art is one of the most valuable of human endeavours (though it happens to be under-appreciated in Singapore, where we live).

(If you would like to learn more of Ainan Celeste Cawley, a scientific child prodigy, aged eight years and four months, or his gifted brothers, Fintan, four years and nine months, and Tiarnan, twenty-six months, please go to: I also write of gifted education, IQ, intelligence, the Irish, the Malays, Singapore, College, University, Chemistry, Science, genetics, left-handedness, precocity, child prodigy, child genius, baby genius, adult genius, savant, wunderkind, wonderkind, genio, гений ребенок prodigy, genie, μεγαλοφυία θαύμα παιδιών, bambino, kind, niño, gênio criança, gifted adults and gifted children in general. Thanks.)

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