
Friday, November 09, 2007

Traffic surge from the Netherlands, Austria, Germany

Yesterday, and today, have shown a significant increase in visitors from the Netherlands (about 900 visitors), Austria and Germany.

If you are visiting from any of these countries, could you please tell me how you heard about Ainan and this website. Was it a newspaper article, if so which one? If the article does not have an online version, could you scan it for me and mail it to me, please, for my records.

Your co-operation is much appreciated.


(If you would like to learn more of Ainan Celeste Cawley, a scientific child prodigy, aged seven years and eleven months, or his gifted brothers, Fintan, four years and four months, and Tiarnan, twenty-one months, please go to: I also write of gifted education, IQ, intelligence, the Irish, the Malays, College, University, Chemistry, Science, genetics, left-handedness, precocity, child prodigy, child genius, baby genius, adult genius, savant, gifted adults and gifted children in general. Thanks.)


  1. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Dear Valentine,
    I read about Ainan online, at This is a site from a very popular tv-programm.
    I liked your story abour Tiarnan. Your children seem very special. Ofcourse, every child is special.

  2. Thanks for telling me. Was Ainan's story mentioned on air, then, by the TV programme?

    You are right. Children are underrated - they are wonderful to have around.

    Best wishes to you in Netherlands

  3. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Hi Valentine,

    Your son hasn't been on tv, just on the website.

    I'm glad to have read your blog. I thought I was imagining things with my daughters. They didn't speak full scentences at two weeks;-) but the eldest (now 4 yrs 1 month) did a stern uh-uh from a week after her birth whenever she didn't like something. It was quite handy: She'd cry and we just went down a list. Hold up a diaper, she'd go uh-uh, (shook her head with it at three weeks) hold up a bottle, she'd go uh-uh, hold up her toy mouse, she'd say "da" and we'd know what she wanted.

    She started speaking words around her eight month but by then she already had quite a lot of own sounds and signals through witch she thought us how to communicate with her. The youngest started saying words around three monts (she's now 15 months). I must say that I often hesitated wether she said a word or just a sound that resembled the word. How did you know with your boys? When she saw our cat she pointed at him and said "Pusss" (the Dutch word is "Poes"), but she didn't always say it when she saw him (duh, who does). But how can you really be sure wether a baby says a word or just copies a sound without really knowing what it means.

    A doctor tested her when she was twelve months old and by then she had the mental capabilities of an eighteen month old. I'm happy for her she's not as fast as your boys. It's hard on kids. I was nowhere as fast as they are, but a lot faster than the kids around me when I grew up I felt like a freak. Always trying to fit in while I hardly understood why the other kids did (and liked) the things they did, or why they understood stuff so slooooooooooowly. Grown-ups weren't mutch better. Either they feel threatend and don't take you serious or they tend to forget that you're just a little kid even though you learn really fast.

    Give your boys all the love they need and please let them goof around if they want to. They still have so long to learn all the world has to offer and what you have achieved is never fulfilling if you haven't enjoyed the road to get there.

    (I appologise if my English is bad, I rarely speak it)

    Regards, Simone

  4. Thank you Simone for your comment.

    No. I very much doubt that you were imagining the early speech of your kids. Some kids do speak early. It is quite easy to distinguish real speech from accidental sounds. Ask yourself, is the sound a genuine word? Is it appropriate to use it in the context and situation of the child at the moment it is used? Does the child use it more than once in that situation and context? If so, I think you have a definite verbal communication going on. The child is speaking.

    Yes, you are right about the adjustment issues of young children. They can be very difficult. But I differ that it is better not to be gifted, rather than to have such issues. Such issues can be dealt with by good parenting - but giftedness is a gift and should never be wished away.

    I assure you, my children goof around, plenty of the time!

    Best wishes to you in Holland.
