
Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Blogger display failure: help wanted.

First of all, I am sorry if the display looks strange. Everything is NOT meant to be in one vertical column with the sidebars beneath the posting text. I did not put it that way and have no idea why it is that way. So, I have a request: if you do know how these things work and have some advice regarding how to restore my formatting to its usual self, please advise me in a comment post or email so that I can correct it.

Note that before this re-formatting occurred, I did nothing to change it. All I did was post - and note the alteration.

Thanks very much for your help in advance.


  1. Anonymous1:31 PM

    The formatting looks normal to me. Could the odd formatting you see on your screen have something to do with the word-wrapping of a certain very long chemical name in the post below?

  2. You may very well be right. I hadn't considered the effect of such a chunk of intrusive text.

    Thanks for your suggestion.

    Kind regards
