
Monday, July 09, 2007

News of Ainan in Venezuala?

Is there news in Venezuala? I ask because I have had an unusual number of visitors from venezuala in the past few hours.

If you are a visitor from Venezuala, I would appreciate it if you could tell me what has brought you to visit my site. Is it an article about Ainan you have read? Or was it just a friend spreading the word?

However you arrived here, welcome. There is plenty to read - so feel free to look around.



  1. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Hi!.. I'm from Venezuela, and Yes!.. yesterday it was published an article about prodigy kids in a very important newspaper of the country... "Diario El Nacional" ( and there were explained the amazing habilities of this little kid!... so, i think that maybe so many people here in Venezuela (as myself..) decided to visit this site to get more information about the boy. By the way!.. Congrats!... it is unbelievable the gift that God has given to this small genius.... I hope that in a future he could do things to make this world better.. (i'm sure it's gonna be that way ;)..)... Regards from Venezuela.... God bless him...

  2. Thank you for your information. I would never have known without you telling me.

    Your warm wishes from Venezuala are much appreciated.

    Thanks for your blessing!

    Kind regards

  3. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Hola!!! Soy un joven de 21 años estudiante de química de Venezuela, hay un articulo publicado en el "Diario El Nacional (" el articulo es muy interesantey, me alegra que a Anian le guste la química , espero que sigua asi.

    Saludos desde Venezuela.

    Johan R.
    Hello!!! I am a young person of 21 years, student of chemistry of Venezuela, has a articulate published in the "Newspaper "El Nacional" ( The articulate is very interesantey, cheers to me that to Anian it likes chemistry.

    Greetings from Venezuela.

    Johan R.

  4. Thank you Johan for your interest -and for telling me of the article. If you can get a copy to me that would be much appreciated: I can't access it at present.

    I am glad you share Ainan's interest in Chemistry. Good luck with your studies.

    Best wishes

  5. Hi Val: I will scan the article as soon as possible.

    Thanks a lot for this very interesting blog.

    Warm regards

    Federico Prieto, Caracas, Venezuela

  6. Thank you Federico for your help.

    Best wishes to you, in Caracas!
