
Sunday, April 29, 2007

Searching for a tutor

Contrary to what people might think, Ainan has never had a tutor: his chemistry knowledge is a product of his own study and a little help from me.

However, recently, he has developed an interest in mathematics. Now, it is a long time since I studied maths - too, too long. So I was left with a choice: relearn maths alongside and teach him as I recovered old skills - or find him a professional tutor.

Yesterday, we met one such tutor. He was affable, passionate about maths, dedicated to it - taught it seven days a week - in most ways he seemed an ideal choice. There was just one sticking point. The price.

So, I am back to my original position. Either I relearn maths and teach Ainan myself - or engage a tutor. The only problem is finding one who chooses to be affordable. I have an idea therefore. Do you know of a good, dedicated maths tutor, living in Singapore, who would like to teach Ainan maths (to a high level) pro bono? (Or at least affordably?)

If you know of any such generous soul - please write to me with their contact information. Thanks.


  1. Anonymous3:29 AM

    What about EPGY math? Look at This is probably more affordable than a tutor and financial aid is available if you need it.

  2. Thanks for the suggestion. I will look into it...and leave the link here for others to consider, too.

    Best wishes
