
Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter All!

Easter is celebrated in Singapore, just as they celebrate the festivals of the other major religions. Here, Good Friday was a national holiday and today, the nation is snug in their homes (and churches) eating Easter eggs.

I tried to buy some Easter eggs yesterday and so went to the local supermarket. It seemed that a few hundred people had had the same idea before me: the shelves were empty of Easter eggs - which speaks of either under-stocking (quite possible) or a higher than expected demand. All that were left were mini-eggs and those eggs that have a "surprise" in them. We duly bought those.

Last night we hid them about the house, so that the children could have an egg hunt on Easter morning. Fintan found one almost immediately, with barely an effort (Mr. Eagle Eye, again!), but it was not so easy for Ainan, with a few minutes passing before he found his first. It was a fun way to spend the morning...and their efforts were rewarded by the sweet taste of chocolate.

Anyway, have a Happy Easter everyone...wherever you are.

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