
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Front page news, Malaysia

Yesterday, Ainan was front page news in Malaysia. In fact, not just front page: Ainan was the first story on the front page of Utusan Malaysia, the most widely read Malay newspaper. That made him the TOP STORY of the day, in that paper.

It is a spooky feeling when one's son is the top story in a newspaper - but a good one.

Other papers which carried the story included Kosmo (page two); The Borneo Post and the Daily Express - these two are newspapers with good circulations.

Thus, as of yesterday, Ainan is known throughout the Malay speaking world. That is a total not far short of 300 million people.

Thank you to the Malay media for taking an interest in Ainan and taking the trouble to cover his achievement with care.

(If you would like to read more of Ainan Celeste Cawley, a scientific child prodigy, aged seven years and four months, or his gifted brothers, Fintan, three and Tiarnan, fourteen months, please go to: I also write of gifted education, IQ, child prodigy, intelligence, child genius, baby genius, adult genius, savant, the creatively gifted, gifted adults and gifted children in general. Thanks.)


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Wow. Thats a lot of readers, Valentine. I do hope your son's fame serves you both well. :)

    - Kathy

  2. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Good afternoon Mr Cawley,

    I just want to congratulate you & your family on Ainan's success in passing his O-level Chemistry. I read the news from the Utusan Malaysia. Indeed he is such a profoundly genius kid!

    I've been reading your blogs for a while. So far I'm really impressed with your kids outstanding abilities. You're so fortunate to have such profoundly gifted kids. All thanks to Allah for He is Most Giving and Most Merciful.

    Anyway I'm so curious as to how you raise your kids in terms of religion wise. Are you and your wife Practising Muslims or are you both just Muslims by name? Because I can't seem to find any reference you made as to how Islam has affected the development of your kids' abilities. Besides if I'm not mistaken you didn't even make any reference to any well-known Muslim scholars, scientists, astronomers etc. This is just unbelievable!

    Best regards...
    Hamba Allah

  3. Thanks Hamba Allah for your congratulations. Yes, we are fortunate in our children - but then I believe that all parents are fortunate to be blessed with children. There are many who can never have them.

    I have always considered religion to be a personal matter - and still feel so. We are trying to raise our children to have a good understanding of the world, in all its facets.

    I was educated in Europe, where little is said about Islamic scholars - so I am not so familiar with their contributions to science. I know little facts like Alkali comes from the arabic - and so on - but I would not consider myself an expert on Islamic science. Perhaps you might point my way to some notable thinkers that I might consider.

    Best wishes to you and yours.
