
Friday, March 23, 2007

Front page news, Singapore

Ainan, 7, is front page news today in Singapore. It is quite surreal to see our faces peering from the front cover of the leading dailies in Singapore.

Today, Ainan and parents are on the front cover of the Straits Times, the leading English daily, and the front cover of Berita Harian, the leading Malay daily. Yesterday, Ainan appeared in Shin Min, a leading Chinese evening daily paper. I was also heard on the radio, 95.8 FM, a Chinese channel discussing Ainan.

I wonder how people here are going to react. More later.


  1. Anonymous9:56 AM


    Well, I tried the Straits Times, but would have to pay to see the entire article.

    And I could see the entire article in the Berita Harian, but I don't read Malay.

    Any chance of citing the full text of the articles on your blog?


    P.S. Does this mean that he will get an appropriate placement? And find a mentor?

    Best wishes!!!

  2. Dear Pam

    I think that the articles will help Ainan a lot. I think an appropriate placement is now almost a duty of the system and a mentor won't be long in the coming. It is a breakthrough, of a kind.

    Thanks for all your supportive words over the past few weeks. They are much appreciated.

    Kind regards

  3. Anonymous2:36 PM

    U should be a proud parent of your genius kids....Well done. I wish 1 day I should have a kids like you do...

    Well Done!!!

  4. Thanks for your kind comment. I wish you well on your future kids, too: there is nothing better, really, than being a parent for showing you the meaning of life.

    Best wishes
