
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Tiarnan recognizes his "Daddy".

About two months ago, when Tiarnan was eleven months old, he caught sight of his brother Fintan's new present.

The present was something intended to comfort Fintan: a pillow in red and blue, with a picture of Superman on it, as the rugged jawed demigod that we all know and love.

Tiarnan looked at the image on the pillow and, at once, said: "Daddy!"

I wasn't there to witness the moment - but it is still one that I will never forget. People talk about the younger siblings of a prodigy having a lot to live up to...well, what about the father having to live up to expectations like Tiarnan's?!

Now, where did I put my costume...


  1. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Lol that was a good one. :) Do you think he really expects you to live up to this superman thing?

    - Kathy

  2. Tiarnan is good with patterns and associations. Somehow he links me to Superman, though he is too young for us to extract much more information about his reasoning process.

    The image of Superman is rather striking, so I suppose I should be flattered, rather than stressed out for having to meet such an expectation.

    He was eleven months old at the time he said it...don't forget!

    I thought it was funny too.

  3. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Im not sure what 11 months old means in his case, hehe. You have very remarkable children. And I dont know much about children anyway. I remember being one, but I cant say I have an understanding of them from an outside adult point of view. So if I seem to be ignorant, its probably because I am.

    - Kathy

  4. You are not are always open to learning and such a person can never be described as ignorant.

    Best wishes
