
Sunday, February 11, 2007

A child prodigy's dearest wish

About three days ago, I asked Ainan: "How much do you want to be homeschooled?"

An answer was not forthcoming. There was just this silence that stretched on. I asked him again, "How much do you want to be homeschooled, in marks out of ten?"

Again he was silent, but there was much evidence of thought in his silence. What incidents, opinions, or circumstances he was reviewing in his mind, I cannot know...but that he was doing something of the kind was clear. A sense of sadness, or resignation, or both, seemed to overcome him.

Again, I asked: "Ainan, I am your daddy...tell me, how much do you want to be homeschooled out of ten?"

His silence lay upon him, like a protective cloak. His quiet sadness seemed to deepen. Then, almost too quiet to hear, a single word emerged from his mouth: "Ten".

That was enough. He had said what preoccupied him. School was not for him.

I decided on a follow-up question. "Are you learning anything there?"

He just shook his head emphatically from side to side.

I didn't ask him anything more.

So, this is the situation as it stands. The school system is waking up to Ainan's gifts (though it has taken over a year for them to acknowledge him) and has decided that he is suitable for the Gifted Education Programme. The question is: is the Programme suitable for him? Will it meet his specific needs...or will it be another disappointment? Would it be better to homeschool and leave the formal education system entirely? All is presently up for consideration. I would first like to see what exactly will result from our meeting with the government representatives...and then, if that is not satisfactory, to embark on homeschooling, if permission is granted. If it is not granted and we are not satisfied with his education, we would simply leave Singapore for somewhere that would grant permission readily.

Perhaps a mixture of homeschooling and gifted provision could be achieved: if that is better than homeschooling alone. We will have to see. Presently, Ainan is enduring a slow death in mainstream education. He has to be saved from that, at least.

(If you would like to learn more of Ainan Celeste Cawley, a scientific child prodigy, aged seven years and two months, or his gifted brothers, Fintan, three and Tiarnan, twelve months, please go to:
I also write of gifted education, intelligence, IQ, child prodigy, child genius, adult genius, baby genius, savant, the creatively gifted, gifted adults and gifted children in general. Thanks.)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your post,

    As ever your words are helpful, and most welcome.

    I don't know yet what the gifted programme in Singapore will involve. I cannot judge whether it will be adequate. I do know, however, that they don't seem to have much regard for the parents' opinion or wishes (see the post How to make parents unhappy, Singapore style).

    Your suggestion that we use developmental markers to scale Ainan is something that provokes a real problem. The numbers we get from such a calculation are truly very great. It leaves me in no doubt that Ainan has needs which will not be easily met.

    He spoke at a couple of weeks - and began to have letter recognition at eight months - and was walking at six months. The ratios to the norm are very high.

    Thank you for your tips regarding schools. We were unaware of most of them - so it is helpful to have new directions to look at.

    As for "college as a kid"...I think that is almost a certainty. The only real question is finding a college that would take him (he might be noticeably younger than 9, though we will see.)

    I much appreciate your kindness in taking the time to write.

    Best wishes to you and the Seng board.
