
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Rembrandt: greatest Dutch artist of all.

Rembrandt. We know the name, we know the works...but what do we think of the man? Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn was supposedly born on July 15 1606. I say supposedly because there is controversy on the matter. Some think he was born in 1607. We are sure, however, when he died. His reputation is such that art critics consider him one of the greatest painters in European Art history. He was also a printmaker and his drawings are exceptional. He is thought to be the greatest artist in Dutch history (and yes that does include Van Gogh). He worked as an artist in the Dutch Golden age when Holland was a kind of superpower, strutting its stuff on the world stage. He is particularly noted for his self-portraits, of which there are over one hundred, which capture the man at all ages and stages, depicting himself insightfully.

That is the man. The question is: was Rembrandt a genius? I want you to think about this question and post your comments in answer. Then I will discuss the matter some more when at least a few people have written their thoughts in comments about him. Thanks.

(If you would like to read about my scientific child prodigy son, Ainan Celeste Cawley, six, and his gifted brothers, please go to: I also write of child genius, adult genius, prodigy, savant and gifted children in general.)

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