
Monday, November 06, 2006

Record breaking internet blog readers

I would like to thank my regular readers for being regular - and for reading.

I would also like to note that some readers, really read my blog. My site notes the time that visitors visit. Some of you are regular and steady: you read daily, take in all the new posts, perhaps look at a few old ones. Some of you however, who must clearly be new to the site do something marvellous to witness: you read every posting, or almost every posting, from the top of the blog to the bottom. One visitor from the University of California Los Angeles (perhaps someone in their Brain Research department?) spent one hour, twenty four minutes and ten seconds on my site, on their first visit. They win the Gold Medal, for blog reading, at this time. The Silver medal for second place goes to a blog reader in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, who spent one hour, six minutes and eleven seconds reading my blog, on their first visit. The Bronze medal has too many contenders to sort through so shall go unawarded, at this time.

I am pleased at your response and responsiveness: it makes writing a pleasure. Thanks to you all.

(If you need a tour of my site and wish to learn of my scientific child prodigy son, Ainan Celeste Cawley, six, and his gifted brothers, go to: Thanks.)


  1. Anonymous2:00 AM

    Thank you for your blog. I found your site recently and it is very interesting. It is nice to know that there are others out there that are sharing some of our own experiences. Sometimes it is easy to feel isolated. My son's passion is math. He started manipulating numbers before he was one. He was six when he started into university level textbooks. Looking back, I would have never guessed how important math would become in my life. Thanks again!

  2. Thanks for your kind words about my blog. It is good to know that someone enjoys it and, perhaps, finds it valuable.

    Yes, isolation is the common experience of both gifted parents and gifted children. Gift is rare - and with rarity comes the incomprehension of others and a sense of being one of a kind. It is situation that has beauty and sadness in it.

    Your son's early interest parallels my son's own. Ainan was reading adult science material before he was five - and asking awkward, often unanswerable questions about it. "Unanswerable" to a Cambridge University Natural Sciences graduate like me. It has been quite a journey so far, and promises to be quite a journey to come. No-one who has not gone through or is going through it, can quite understand what it is like.

    Good luck with your son. Maybe he will win a Fields Medal one day. You never know: he sounds like he has the childhood of a Fields Medallist.

    As for maths being important, for you, I never thought chemistry would become important for me: but daily am I buried in the science!

    Kind regards

  3. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I'm one of your fans that keep coming back to read your previous postings. I'm enjoying every one of them and hope you will keep writing.

    Houston 2007.

  4. Hi Houston2007

    I do not know how long I will write but my present intention is to keep it up. It requires a certain effort and discipline to write so consistently (340 posts in a few months, at this point).

    Thanks for enjoying the work I have put in.

    Best wishes
